Coroplast® Corrugated Plastic Sheet


Ideal for indoor and outdoor graphic applications. Tougher than corrugated fiberboard, lighter than solid extruded plastic, waterproof, weather resistant and stain resistant, Coroplast is the material of choice for the screen printing industry.

SKU: N/A Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Black, Brown, Green, Ivory, Navy Blue, Orange, Process Blue, Red, Silver Grey, White, Yellow


18" x 24" x 5/32", 24" x 18" x 5/32", 24" x 36" x 5/32", 36" x 24" x 5/32", 48" x 96" x 1/16", 48" x 96" x 3/32", 48" x 96" x 5/32", 48" x 96" x 1/4", 48" x 96" x 3/8", 48" x 144" x 5/32"

Die Cutting Information

2-4 Mil Material 5-7 Mil Material 8 & 10 Mil Material
4 pt. .937 Kleen Kut 13T 4 pt. .990 Kleen Kut 13T 5/8" Wood
4 pt. 910 Scope Across 4 pt. 910 Scope Across 3 pt. 1.250 Shallow Profile
4 pt. .890 Score Around 4 pt. .850 Score Around 4 pt. 1.250 Hard Edge or
    6 pt. 1.250 Kleen Kut
Must have Balance Scores 1/2 Gray Rubber Blocks

Health and Safety

General Toxicity

The name Coroplast® applies to a wide range of extruded corrugated plastic sheet products based on polypropylene copolymers. The natural polymer is chemically inert and is generally considered non-toxic and safe for use in contact with food. The base resin meets FDA requirements as listed in Food Additive Regulation Title 21, Section 177.1520(c), Item 1.1, covering food contact uses.

Pigmented or otherwise modified sheets are not considered to constitute any extra health hazard under normal handling and conversion. All additives are melt-blended into the polymer and encapsulated. Colors are available which will meet food contact approvals.

Effect of Heat / Combustion

Coroplast® is made from a combustible thermoplastic material, polypropylene. While discretion would suggest that observation of precautions consistent with regulatory codes and standards should be followed when working with Coroplast, it is equally important to note that compared to other plastics on the market Coroplast is very low on a relative hazard scale.

Two areas of flammability hazard must be addressed: rate of combustion and toxicity of combustion products.

Rate of Combustion

There are many flammability tests in use for different applications in the various parts of North America. A test valid in one area is not acceptable in another. We will try to offer information which will allow the relative hazard of Coroplast to be evaluated. If a flame retardant sheet is needed, ask about our Firewall FRB Brand Product.

In the United States the most generally accepted Surface Flame Spread Test is the ASTM E-84 Tunnel test. This test involves suspending a test specimen in the ceiling of the tunnel and igniting one end in the presence of a forced air stream.

This test is not applicable to thermoplastic material because they will melt out and fall to the floor, prejudicing the result. By this test Coroplast received an unrealistic low 25 (Red Oak is 100).

In Canada, this test has been modified to take thermoplastics into account and samples are tested in the same tunnel but on the floor (ULC-S102.2-78). By this test the 4mm natural sheet exhibited a more realistic Surface Flame Spread of 178 with Smoke Developed of 200 and Fuel Contributed of 100.

One of the factors not visible in the test figure is the length of time to get the fire going.

Until the sheet reaches a temperature of approximately 600 degrees F, it will not release flammable - low molecular weight hydrocarbons.

Should a fire occur, any available fire extinguisher may be used. In a limited fire situation dry chemical powder extinguishers have proven very successful. In a larger scale fire, water sprays/ sprinkler systems are very successful because they quickly cool and damp down the fire.

Toxicity of Combustion

In a fire situation the amount of smoke and the toxicity of the smoke is perhaps more serious than the burn rate. Smoke evolution is dependent on the available oxygen present, but polypropylene copolymer normally generates little smoke. This is not true for many other thermoplastics. The compounds of combustion of polyolefin plastics are not highly toxic except for carbon monoxide which will be formed when any organic matter - e.g. paper, wood or gasoline burns. In fact, the carbon monoxide given off by burning Coroplast® is less than for cardboard or hardboard.

% Carbon Monoxide (CO) W/W evolved from Coroplast, cardboard and hardboard.

Temp. Celsius % Oxygen v/v Percentage of Carbon Monoxide & CO W/W Evolved from
    Coroplast Cardboard Hardboard
500 21
350 21
250 21


While Coroplast will burn, it does not have a flash point or an uncontrollable flame spread rate like some acrylics or styrene. It responds very much like paper. Should a fire start it is easily extinguished by any type of extinguisher. Burning Coroplast generates combustion products with very low toxicity. This is common to polyolefin polymers.

For additional Technical information contact Coroplast.

General Conversion Information

Coroplast Twin-wall Sheets

  1. Size
    When describing sheet sizes of Coroplast® (an extrusion) we always give the across flutes dimension first, the length of the flute second. Note dimension guide.
  2. Registration
    As a result of the manufacturing process by Coroplast Inc. it is not possible to guarantee square cut sheets "off the line". THE two edges that run the length of the flutes are parallel, but the cross flute edges may be up to 3/8" out of square. For this reason it is important to guide the sheets into conversion equipment by means of the parallel edges. The diagram (Coming Soon) shows an exaggerated view.

    Note: The full size of the sheet ordered should always come out after squaring.

  3. Surface treatment (corona discharge)
    Both surfaces are treated full width to accept certain types of inks and adhesives. Some care should be taken in storage and handling to protect this treatment. Handle the sheets as little as possible and keep them well covered to prevent dust and dirt from accumulating. Dirty or finger market sheets may result in adhesion problems.
  4. Temperature
    Coroplast sheets are easier to convert when at room temperature -- always allow sheets which have been at low temperatures to warm up.

    Printing: Cold sheets may cause condensation if not allowed to warm up. This will cause adhesion problems.

    Die Cutting: Cutting and creasing becomes easier as the temperature increases. At very low temperatures cutting and creasing properties are severely impaired.

  5. Screen Process Printing
    Coroplast is a polyolefin copolymer. This means that it is a nonabsorbent material which requires inks formulated for this type of product.

    Printing suggestions and ink supplier information are available in Technical Bulletin CSS-006-786.

  6. Letterpress Printing
    Many converters have obtained good results on Coroplast using this process. Specially formulated oil-based inks are required. Printing speeds are much reduced from the speeds normally associated with corrugated cardboard and the sheets must be stacked vertically after printing until the inks cure in order to prevent offsetting.

    We recommend that you discuss this type of ink with your supplier to locate a product compatible with your equipment.

  7. Flexographic Printing
    There have been dramatic developments in the area of Flexo printing of polyolefins. Please contact your suppliers of Flexo inks and explain your specific needs. The correct inks are also used for printing polyethylene bag film material. An additional air/ heat drying source may be required to achieve production speed drying of these inks. Regular rubber plates are appropriate.
  8. Guillotining and Die Cutting
    Coroplast can be die cut or guillotined on standard conversion equipment. Depending on the length of the cut on a guillotine (and flute direction) it may be necessary to reduce the hold down pressure to a very low setting or to block the travel to allow it to just hold. Ten to 15 sheets can be cut at a time on most equipment.

    Flat bed die cutters have been very successful with Coroplast. Rotary dies may require experimentation with rule types and high durometer blankets. Unlike paperboard, twin-wall plastic sheets must be cut through. Sharp beveled rule requires less pressure for the same cut. A good make-ready that will allow even cutting at minimum pressure will extend die life noticeably. The primary cause of a dull rule on Coroplast dies is the application of excess pressure to a whole die to make a problem spot cut better. Coroplast is more resilient that paperboard and generally requires a wider than usual creasing rule for across flute creasing. The height differential between cutting and creasing rule should also be less than normally used for cardboard especially across the flutes. To "set" a crease, the two skins must crush to touch each other and then have additional pressure applied.

Many successful converters have suggested the following "rule" choices:

  • Cut -0.937" regular hard, long bevel or double bevel
  • Length crease-- .900" - 6pt.
  • Cross crease -- .912"-.918" 6pt. or 4pt. depending on required bend angle
  • (Crease suggestions are for regular 4mm and should be adjusted for other thicknesses)

These discussions are intended as initial guidelines for the conversion of Coroplast Individual machinery could require conditions or settings that vary from these suggestions. We recommend that customers should carry out their own trials to ascertain the best machine conditions and printing inks for their particular requirements.

Tolerance Specs

2 mm Color Specification Tolerance
Gauge all 2 mm ± 0.15 mm
Density (grams/sq. meter) all 450 ± 5%
Density (lbs/1000 sq. ft.) all 92 ± 5%
Surface Tension (Dyne Level) all 46 dyne/cm (minimum) 46 dyne/cm (minimum)
3 mm Color Specification Tolerance
Gauge all 3 mm ± 0.15mm
Density (grams/sq. meter) all 600 ± 5%
Density (lbs/1000 sq. ft.) all 116 ± 5%
Surface Tension (Dyne Level) all 46 dyne/cm (minimum) 46 dyne/cm (minimum)
4 mm Color Specification Tolerance
Gauge all 4 mm ± 0.15 mm
Density (grams/sq. meter) nat. & wht. 750 ± 5%
Density (lbs/1000 sq. ft.) nat. & wht. 150 ± 5%
Density (grams/sq. meter) colors 700 ± 5%
Density (lbs/1000 sq. ft.) colors 143 ± 5%
Surface Tension (Dyne Level) all 46 dyne/cm (minimum) 46 dyne/cm (minimum)
5 mm Color Specification Tolerance
Gauge all 5 mm ± 0.15 mm
Density (grams/sq. meter) all 1000 ± 5%
Density (lbs/1000 sq. ft.) all 204 ± 5%
Surface Tension (Dyne Level) all 46 dyne/cm (minimum) 46 dyne/cm (minimum)
6 mm Color Specification Tolerance
Gauge all 6 mm ± 0.15 mm
Density (grams/sq. meter) all 1400 ± 5%
Density (lbs/1000 sq. ft.) all 286 ± 5%
Surface Tension (Dyne Level) all 46 dyne/cm (minimum) 46 dyne/cm (minimum)
7 mm Color Specification Tolerance
Gauge all 7 mm ± 0.15 mm
Density (grams/sq. meter) all 1700 ± 5%
Density (lbs/1000 sq. ft.) all 347 ± 5%
Surface Tension (Dyne Level) all 46 dyne/cm (minimum) 46 dyne/cm (minimum)
8 mm Color Specification Tolerance
Gauge all 8 mm ± 0.15 mm
Density (grams/sq. meter) all 1800 ± 5%
Density (lbs/1000 sq. ft.) all 367 ± 5%
Surface Tension (Dyne Level) all 46 dyne/cm (minimum) 46 dyne/cm (minimum)
10 mm Color Specification Tolerance
Gauge all 10 mm ± 0.15 mm
Density (grams/sq. meter) all 2000 ± 5%
Density (lbs/1000 sq. ft.) all 408 ± 5%
Surface Tension (Dyne Level) all 46 dyne/cm (minimum) 46 dyne/cm (minimum)


Width Material Size Tolerance
Extruder (Offline) 2 mm - 6 mm ±1/8"
8 mm - 10 mm -1/8", +1/4"
Slitter (Cut Square) 2 mm - 6 mm ±1/8"
8 mm - 10 mm -1/8", +1/4"
Die Cutter 2 mm - 6 mm ±1/8"
8 mm - 10 mm -1/8", +1/4"
Length Material Size Tolerance
Extruder (Offline) < 36" -0", +3/4"
36" - 66" -0", +1-1/8"
66" - 96" -0", +1-1/2"
> 96" -0", +2"
Slitter (Cut Square) All -0", +1/8"
Die Cutter < 36" ±1/8"
36" - 66" ±3/16"
66" - 100 " ±1/4"
>100" ±3/8"
Squareness* Material Size Tolerance
* The difference in length between the corner to corner diagonal measurement
Extruder (Offline) < 60" 3/8"
> 60" 5/8"
Slitter (Cut Square) < 60" 1/8"
60" - 72" 1/4"
> 72" 5/16"
Die Cutter < 72" 1/4"
>72" 5/16"
Warp/Bow* Material Size Tolerance
* Maximum height above a flat surface of any portion of a sheet
  < 96" 1/4"
> 96" 1.0"
70" x 70" or Larger 2.0"
Straightness* Material Size Tolerance
* Maximum distance measured between the edge of a sheet of Coroplast® and a straight edge when the two corners of the sheet touch the straight edge
  < 98" 1/8"
> 98" 3/16"

Notice: All tolerances are subject to change without notice.

Resin Specs

Density, g/cc ASTM-D782A-2 0.90
Notched Izod Impact (FT-lbs/in.) ASTM-D256-A @ 70 degrees F 3.0
Tensile Strength at Yield (psi units) ASTM-D638 2in/min. 4000
Elongation at yield (%) 10
Deflection Temp. degrees F 66psi 194
Water Absorption - 24 hrs, % ASTM-D570 0.02
Falling Weight Impact Strength @ -29degree F (ft.lbs.) 23
Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion -30 degrees C to 0 degrees C 12
  0 degrees C to 30 degrees C 14
(MM/MM/C x [10 to the -5th]) 30 degrees C to 60 degrees C 21
Normal temperature performance range -17 degrees F to 160 degrees F
Melting point 162 degrees C, 324 degrees F

All information has been supplied by resin manufacturers -- Coroplast provides this data as a service and makes no warranty of information beyond our control.

General Specifications -- Explanation of Terms

  1. Density, g/cc, ASTM-D782A: This test determines the material weight in grams per cubic centimeter, which means 1 cubic centimeter of our polypropylene resin would have an average weight of .9 grams.
  2. Notched Izod Impact, FT-lbs./in., ASTM-D256-A: This test determines the force used to break a sample of our polypropylene using a pendulum type hammer which is dropped from a standardized distance. A notch is milled into the sample to concentrate stress to that point which promotes a brittle fracture. The tests are reported in terms of energy absorbed per unit of sample width.
  3. Tensile Strength at Yield, lbs./, ASTM-D638: This test determines force taken to break/ tear a polypropylene sample at a speed rat of 2 inches/minute and percentage of elongation at time of yield or break. It took 4000 lbs./ of force with 10% elongation at time of yield or break.
  4. Deflection Temperature, in Degrees, ASTM-D648: This test determines at what temperature a polypropylene sample exhibits deformation with a specified force applied to the sample bridged across a test apparatus. The test uses a 66 psi load and a 264 psi load and determines deflection temperature at which point that the sample deforms .010 inch.
  5. Water Absorption, % in 24 hrs, ASTM-D570: This test determines the relative rate of absorption of water by plastics when submersed for a 24 hour period. Samples are preconditioned (dried) before the test. The moisture content is very intimately related to such properties as electrical insulation resistance, dielectric losses, mechanical strength, appearance and dimensions.
  6. Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion, (10 to the -5th) in./in./ degrees F, ASTM-D696: This test measures the change in length of a specimen under controlled conditions within a specified range of temperatures. The temp. ranges given were use and a calculation done to determine the coefficient linear thermal expansion by multiplying the coefficient times 10 to the -5th, times the length of the sample (in.), times the difference in temp. change in Celsius. Example: A sample 144" long @ 54 degrees F differential would be calculated as follows: Coefficient = 6.9, thus: (10 to the -5th in./in./degree F) = (6.9 x [10 to the -5th] x 144" x 54 degrees F) = .000069 x 144" x 54 degrees F= .5365"/144"/54 degrees F, thus, a sheet will expand approximately 1/2' in 144' with 54 deg. F range, (32 deg.F to 86 deg.F).

Environmental Aspects

Reducing environmental waste means looking for ways to reduce material used in our products, reusing products whenever possible, and recycling when the product's useful life is over.

Coroplast products contribute to the reduction of environmental waste on all three aspects.

  • Reduce
    Coroplast's twin-wall fluted structure produces strength and rigidity at a lower weight, thereby reducing the amount of material required.
  • Reuse
    The durability of Coroplast in outdoor use and in packaging applications means it can be used longer and reused over and over enabling a longer useful life.
  • Recycle
    Coroplast uses polypropylene copolymers which makes for easy recycling at the end of their useful life. Polypropylene, being a polyolefin, recycles in processing streams such as plastic milk cartons and detergent bottles. Contact your local plastics recycling center for local information on polypropylene recycling.

Coroplast continues to create new products and uses based on the need to reduce, reuse, and recycle plastic. Look to Coroplast as one of the solutions.

Product Properties

The name Coroplast® applies to a wide range of extruded twin-wall plastic sheet products base on a high impact polypropylene copolymer.

Coroplast is a high-quality polypropylene twin-wall profile sheet formulated specifically for use in the screen printing, display and packaging markets.

Coroplast uses a copolymer resin in order to increase impact and low temperature performance. Copolymer resins are also used because the retain the ability to be flexed an unlimited number of times without breaking. We call this unique ability "a living hinge".

Chemically, the sheet is inert, with a NIL pH factor. At regular temperatures most oils, solvents and water have no effect, allowing it to perform under adverse weather conditions or as a product component exposed to harsh chemicals.

All Coroplast twin-wall profile sheets can be modified with additives, which are melt-blended into the sheet to meet the specific needs of the customer. Needs that require additives include: ultra violet protection, anti-static, flame retardancy, and color.

Coroplast products are offered in a wide range of standard, opaque and translucent colors.

Chemical Resistance

A. Organic

Regent 20°C (68°F) 60°C (140°F)
Acetic Acid (10%) Nil Nil
Aceton Nil Nil
Ammonium Hydroxide (10%) Nil Nil
Benzene Slight Moderate
Carbon Tetrachloride Moderate Severe
Citric Acid (10%) Nil Nil
Cyclohexanol Nil Slight
Detergent (2% liquid) Nil Nil
Ethanol (96%) Nil Nil
Glycerine Nil Nil
Isopropyl Alcohol Nil Nil
Lactic Acid (20%) Nil Nil
Methanol Nil Nil
Methyl Ethyl Ketone Nil Slight
Nitrobenzene Nil Nil
Turpentine Slight Moderate
Xylene Moderate Severe

B. Inorganic

Regent 20°C (68°F) 60°C (140°F)
Ammonium Hydroxide (10%) Nil Nil
Hydrochloric Acid Nil Nil
Hydrogen Peroxide (10%) Nil Slight
Nitric Acid (70%) Nil Nil
Phosphoric Acid (85%) Nil Nil
Potassium Hydroxide (50%) Nil Nil
Sodium Hydroxide (50%) Nil Nil
Sulphuric Acid (98%) Nil Moderate
Sulphuric Acid (10%) Nil Nil
Water Nil Nil

* Degree of attack after 90 days under test: Concent-ration of reagent 100% unless stated.

Nil -- Negligible effect
Slight -- Some attack but function of part unimpared
Moderate -- Satisfactory for some applications
Severe -- Unacceptable

Information supplied by resin manufacturer -- Please Test for any questionable use.


   Coroplast Corrugated Packaging & Graphic Grades SDS (Safety Data Sheet) - 04/30/2014




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